Welcome to my blog where I share what is on my mind at the moment! Hope you enjoy reading!

Monday, May 31, 2010

It's finally over! - Wizard101 Central

School is now officially over for me, it is hard to describe the joy in my heart right now lol. Grades haven't posted yet but I know I did a great job on my biology final so that makes me really happy. The strange thing is, yesterday, as I went to sleep, I was thinking of whether I have any homework. School must be really stressful for me to think that right?

Anyway, today is a very special day. It's my sister's birthday, Ellie. What I can tell you is that even though she is annoying and mean sometimes, I can practically talk to her about anything. That's how great of a sister she is. To make this day special, we are throwing a party at her house on Wizard101. For more information, please click here.

Now, before I move on, I have a little treat for you guys! Look at this picture!

Talk about feeding flaming soup, they sure work well!

If anyone read my last blog entry, you will remember I mentioned something about a big surprise this weekend. Unfortunately, with school over and all those family stuff, I never get to finish it. Hopefully, by next week, I will be able to complete it and present it to you guys, just wait!

Last but not least is one of the most important things of my announcement. The pet update is here! I do believe this update came to live a bit too fast. There are still many bugs around. For example, what's up with the satyr dancing when we cast the spell? Or why when I play cannon game; it said I missed when I even made a bull eye?!! It is somewhat frustrating but also fun at the same time. Leveling your pet can take forever but I think that's the point. This update is supposed to keep us busy until they release Celestia. I'm just happy they made an update at all.

So anyway, if you have been elsewhere, then I guess you might be missing one of the coolest wizard101 give-away ever! For anyone who know Santa Allan, and for those who don't, he is hosting a wonderful contest! It is unusual because... Well, you have to find it out yourself! Click here!

For those of you who are already out of school, I wish you guys a wonderful summer, enjoy it and remember to be safe! As for those who still have school, pay attention and finish this school year to the fullest!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Skater Girl - Wizard101 Central

I was extremely bored in my class and with so much time in hand, I decided to draw. I was thinking of freedom because I pretty much find skateboarding fun, even though I have never actually skate. I name her Alexa.

I will possibly add more details and might even color it. What do you think?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's time to par-tay!

Hello there wizards and witches!

Let me just start this out by saying there are so many things going on right now! First off, lets talk about the main subject of my blog today, parties.

May 15th at 7:00 PM CST
Event: Wizard 101 Central Masked Ball
Host(s): Nightmaress, AgentNightmare
Type: Formal Party
More Information

May 16th time TBA
Event: Deception The Wizard 101 Central Movie Release Party
Host(s): Dragon Girl
Type: Movie Release Party
More Information

May 21 at 7:00 PM CST
Event: The Chaotic Party and Contest
Host(s): ChaoticLee
Type: Party and Contest
More Information

May 22 at 6:00 PM CST
Event: Rogue's party
Type: Party
More Information (see post 3 in thread)

May 23 at 7:00 PM CST
Event: Wizard 101 Prom
Host(s):Shippo1, halikdu
Type: Party
More Information

That's a lot of parties within two weeks don't you think so? The chances that I will be at these parties are high. For the masked ball, I am friend with Destiny. For the prom, I am the decorator so gotta be there for people who think the house looks awesome Special thanks to Event Calendar thread, made by Nesogara.

Now, in case you have been elsewhere, the winners of Wizard101 Central's 100th PvP Tournament are:

1st Place


2nd Place


3rd Place


Honorable mention to Nick S.

Congrats to all three!

I hope everyone have a great weekend and see you all at the parties!
P.S. 2 more weeks of school! Eep!

UPDATE: Do you guys think I should buy a user-page or pet on central here?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm a site grandmaster!

Finally after being a member here on Wizard101central for over a year, I am a site grandmaster. I actually feel very proud of myself for this accomplishment. For one thing, I could have never reach this rank without the number of threads that our wonderful members on here created so I can post. The gems under my name sure look pretty lol (:

Let's not forget that today is Mother's day. If you haven't give your mom a kiss on the cheek, or give her a beary hug, or even make her something then it is time to get off the computer and do it. Mothers have the most important job in this whole wide world. For one thing, without them, we can never be born. They cook and care for us. They sing and help us sleep. They cry when we cry but never fail to comfort us. We love you mom!

"Today might be your special day mom, but you are always special to me."

Monday, May 3, 2010

Away from Keyboard

I recently made a thread call Away From Keyboard and you guess it, it is basically about spinning around when you're AFK. Just think it would be nice to share it on my blog as well (:

All of us here, at one point when playing Wizard101, had been away from keyboard at least once, right? Well, you must not be a busy person if you have never been away from keyboard.

AFK - Away From Keyboard

How do you know if someone is AFK? Here are some universal signs for knowing if someone is AFK when you arrive at the scene moments later or was not there when the person say "AFK".

1. Seeing someone spinning around

If you're asking a person that is spinning around, and the person have not yet to answer you, it is most likely the person is afk.

2. Seeing someone spinning in the corner/Just standing, facing the corner

This is pretty common because I have seen plenty of people doing this. Easy to do and easy to remember. This is a little different from the first one because people can be just goofing around and decide to ignore you that's all.

3. Seeing someone spinning around while the spellbook is above his/her head

This is also pretty self-explain because this is without a doubt a definite sign people are afk. However, it is possible for people to be spinning around but not afk because they are probably looking at their stuff and do not want to be bother.

How do you spin around?
1. Hold down the left or right arrow key
2. Hold down the shift key at the same time (also work with Alt or Ctrl)
3. Let go of the arrow key
4. Let go of the shift key

Thanks to LNO for the parking thread on how to spin around (:

I was actually surprised at the number of people who view and comment on it.

Anyway, if you still haven't enter the Great Gobbler Giveaway contest, then I suggest you should. They don't look that bad, right? lol

And this is from the newsletter:

Hello young Wizards! My name is Milo Barker, and I'll be located in the Pet Pavilion just off the Ravenwood Commons very soon! The big news this month is the introduction of myself and my friends who bring you a new way to train your pets!

You can learn all about this feature now on the Test Realm, and you will see these features come to the whole Spiral later this month.

Well, enjoy your week everyone because I will be gone most of this weekend!